JBYIM Software

JBYIM Software:
  • Read a list of YIM from text file.
  • Send a  message to every YIM from the list.
  • Automatically delay to prevent blocking your yahoo account.

How to buy:
  1. Contact us using email in the contact box.
  2. Pay us through Paypal.
  3. We send you the link to download the software and its document.

Wavemaker Deployment

Wavemaker Studio  is a truly WYSIWYG web 2.0 development  & truely ajax deployment software:
Truly WYSIWYG web 2.0 development:
  • Drag & drop Application Assembly - Minimizes coding
  • LiveLayout™ - Preview live data within the studio
  • Studio Runs in a Standard Browser - No complex development tools needed
  • Enterprise-Ready Data Widgets - Automates all the heavy lifting needed to connect enterprise data to browser-based widgets
  • Single Sign-on Security - WaveMaker enterprise supports single sign-on using JOSSO
  • One-Click Widget & Template Publishing - Turns any WaveMaker page into a widget and/or template for reuse in current or future projects
  • Resource Manager - WaveMaker now has a drag and drop interface to manage images and files within a project
  • Charting Widgets (beta) - WaveMaker includes charting widgets such as pie, bar and stacked columns
  • Diagnostics - A new Diagnostics tab shows all bindings within the project. Use this information to follow the flow of activities within your application
  • Context-Sensitive Help - Each widget property and event now has a ? next to it. Just click the ? to find out more about it
  • Type Validation Flags - Green check marks show that bind source and destination match. Red Xs show that types do not match
  • LiveForm with To-Many Relationships - LiveForms now handle to-many relationships by automatically displaying grids.
Truely ajax deployment:
  • Push to Deploy™ - One-touch deployment to built-in WaveMaker server
  • Standard Java Deployment - WaveMaker .war file runs in standard Java servers
  • Fully Secure - Database login, LDAP, role based access controls (LDAP & RBAC in Enterprise edition only)
  • Automated Multi-tenant Support - WaveMaker Enterprise Edition can automatically isolate database accesses between the customers (tenants) of a software-as-a-service (SaaS) solution
  • One-click Cloud Deployment - Applications built in WaveMaker Studio can deploy directly to EC2
  • RightScale Integration - For multi-server deployments, WaveMaker integrates with RightScale's cloud management platform
  • Faster Performance - With a new internal layout engine, DOM manipulation enhancements and a render only "need to see" portions of a page features, WaveMaker 5.0 applications are 10x faster than previously.
  • Smaller Deployment Size - Applications created with 5.0 produce almost 50% smaller WAR files for faster and easier deployment.
Wavemaker Studio has two editions: Community Edition & Enterprise Edition.
If you buy an enterprise edition you will receive full support from WaveMaker Software™, Inc.
However, you want to use community edition without fee, please contact us to receive help to deploy whenever you get stuck with it.
My first customer,Linux server, hired us to deploy Wavemaker Studio in his Linux Server (Fedora Core 8) and authenticate user who want to access the studio remotely. He gave us 10/10 at rating.

BigBlueButton Deployment

I have deployed successfully BigBlueButton a video conference system  on Fedora Core 8.

BigBluButton enables universites or colleges to build an online class through the Internet.
If you want to build an online learning system, BigBlueButton is a solution you should consider.
Please visit BigBlueButton website to get more information about it.

My first customer, Linux server, has given me 9/10 in his rating. 
The list of our customers
DateCustomerProjectCustomer ServerCustomer's
Install BBB on my server
  • Cent OS 5.4 on VPS server.
  • httpd existing.
  • Small memory (2GB).
10Great Coder, Did the work perfectly! And Fast!
06/04/10Linux server

Deploying app on Linux Server...BBB
  • Fedora Core 8 on Dedicated Server
  • Fresh installation server.

Logo Design

Logo is the most important element in your brand. Please contact to us to get your perfectly one. We will come up some ideas from your information and listen to your comment about it. We will make it better and better. We are sure that you will satisfy with our service when you get the final version.
Some of our past works:

wcn logo

Vietnamese Button for MyBB Peace Green Theme

When you using MyBB to build your own forum in Vietnamse, you want a Vietnamse language file. You can download this file here.However, when you install a theme, you must translate all button image text from English to Vietnamse. I like Peace Green theme.I have redrawn all button with Vietnamese. I also decided to share them with you.Click here to download


Joomla is one popular CMS now. Many company use it to build their website. If you decide to choose Joomla for your company website.We can assist you when building, deploying, using, maintance of website use Joomla.
The following is the list of our successful stories:
Date Customer Project Project Description Customer's Rating Customer'sComment
15/05/10 joel2280 just need a quick fix on my Joomla 1.5 (Im A New User) Configure Mochigames component for joomla. 10 Good Job!!!
20/01/10 FinderKeeper Configure Joomla on Dedicated Linux Server Move Joomla based website, locate faulty component, module, plugin. 10 Did a P-E-R-F-E-C-T job. Very responsible. Thanks!
30/12/09 Threshold Check Joomla site
for malware
Joomla based website infected with malware. Find the malware. 10 Excellent work. Thanks!

Google Apps

Google Apps is a cheap solution for small business. You just register a domain name for your business. It cost you about $10/year. Google Apps provide you a sites, calender, mailbox, docs with your domain. However, configuring to Google Apps work with your own domain name is rather complex if you aren't familiar to it. We will help you solve this problem. Please contact to us when you want to:
  1. Configure Google Apps with a domain name.
  2. Change your mailbox from Microsoft Outlook, Outlook Express to Gmail.
  3. Other problems related to Google Apps.
The following list is our scuccessful stories:
Set my apps
google account
up the Google Apps with domain buy-empty-cartridges.com
Talent Coder, quick and communicate very well


outlook 2 gmail
mailbox from Microsoft Outlook to Gmail with about 10.000 messages.
it was a pleasure working together with this coder